Policy Manual

Please forgive me if this has been posted previously, but I did not see it. I have been given the task of updating our company policy manual, which is in very poor shape. I would like it to be accessible over the computer network (Windows NT)by each employee yet have a few hard copies available. It needs to have good indexes with hyperlinks to each topic, and search capabilities. It should be easily modifiable by those with permission. Any recommendations as to a program that does this well, that also might aide in the design? Our firm is small (40 employees) but the need for an udated manual is great.
We are in Maine, and have about 220 employees.
As for locating sections within the document, our handbook is less than 40 pages long, so people can easily use the "Find" feature of Word (see Edit on the menu bar).
Two other things you may wish to consider:
1) You may wish to password protect the file so that people can open & read it, but not edit the file.
2) You should take a look at the receipt or acknowledgement that employees are going to sign, to be sure that it clearly explains where the handbook is located on your computer system, how to access it, and so forth.
Let me know if you'd like to discuss this, or if you'd like me to email a copy of our book to you.
see you manual. Thank you for the offer.
I would VERY MUCH APPRECIATE seeing a copy of your manual as a sample. Thanks in advance! My e-mal address is:
PMI has sent me her policy handbook, and I'll be posting it there either Friday or Monday. I'll add a post to this thread letting everyone know when it's up.
If anyone else would like to send your policy manual to me to post on that page, e-mail it to me at [email]WebEditor@HRhero.com[/email] or snail mail it to me at:
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
5201 Virginia Way
P.O. Box 5094
Brentwood, TN 37024
Both are originally Microsoft Word documents, but I've also added a rich text format for anyone who doesn't have MS Word.
Hope this helps!
You can access both policy manuals mentioned above at [url]http://www.hrhero.com/policies/policyindex.shtml[/url]
[email]scallender@scheart.com[/email] Thanks!
A couple of the forum members sent their policy manuals to me to post on HRhero.com for everyone. Go to this web page to download them:
call eDox at 800-451-1703.
good luck to all.