Do you have information on paternity leave? Possible sample policies? Would like to hear some "real-life" stories about the pros and cons of a formal paternity leave policy.
Our company is a beer distribution facility with 90% male employees. We allow each father three days of leave to be used when he recieves a new addition to the family. It is a very popular policy with the wives and I haven't seen it abused. He can use the time on 3 consecutive days or spread them out within 30 days of the birth of the child. (It's also applicable to adoptions.)
We have a primary caregiver leave and a secondary caregiver leave policy for our salaried, full time employees (mostly management). In the case of birth or adoption of a child, a primary caregiver (which, so far, have all been female) gets 6 weeks paid leave as part of her FMLA. Secondary caregivers (so far, men) get 2 weeks paid leave as part of FMLA. Both have been very well received and appreciated. As a matter of fact, we sometimes have to reassure the secondary caregivers that it is OK to take this paid leave! They are always happy that they did.
I assume that the spouses get to choose whether they are secondary or primary. Do you have any criteria. How do you determine who is primary if only one spouse works for you? A person could claim to be primary to get the six weeks, when actually their spouse (who works for another employer) is the primary care giver.