General Availability Payment
207 Posts
Has anyone out there in Forumland heard of giving IT ee's that are exempt General Availability Payments? It was brought to my attention of course from an exempt ee in IT. It is a "bonus" paid to IT staff quarterly if they are called into the office after working hours. The payment is only paid if the particular ee is called into work after hours for more than 8 accumulated hours in one quarter. I was told it's paid out at a rate of 5% of that quarters salary. If you currently use this technique, is it working? What percentage do you actually pay? Can you do it monthly or biweekly instead of quarterly? Thanks.
You can compensate exempt employees for extra hours, although, it is not recommended that the compensation be hour for hour. I think such compensation, whether it's pay or time off, helps build morale among those employees who do not get paid for overtime work.