Moving the 4th of July to the 6th

Hi There,

Federal and state law does not require to provide paid time off in observance of a holiday. But we provide holiday pay for our employees as stated in our company policy. This year, since the 4th of July falls in a Wednesday, my production manager wants to see if we can observe that day on Friday rather than Wednesday and that way we won't have to interrupt production in the middle of the week. In your company, do you observe the 4th of July? and if so, do you observe it on that day or do you change it to another day of the week?
I am trying to find out what has worked better for you.

Thank you



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We're a manufacturing company and observe the 4th of July on the 4th no matter where in the week it falls. (If it falls on a weekend we give employees either Friday or Monday off.)

    At work the other day we were having a discussion about this very thing and all came to the conclusion that the 4th of July (or better yet Independence Day) should be celebrated on a Monday as this country has done with other holidays. It would make it so much easier to keep production flowing by not breaking up the week.
  • We are also observing on the 4th, however, one of our smaller distribution offices will observe on Friday instead.
    They deliver free weekly shoppers on Wednesday and have an obligation to our advertisers get it out there on time. So they will work Wed and close the office on Friday. This only affects a small staff but a bunch of independent contractors. We only do this when the holiday falls on a Tues or Wed.

  • Thank you.I appreciate your input.

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