Overtime and Training

I have two ee's who elected to atttend a training in another town. Does my organization owe them overtime (5.5 hrs each) since it was not a required training? Did we complicate the issue by paying their mileage and per diem? Help.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think once you paid mileage and per diem, that you recognized the training as a work sponsored event. If it was truly elective, then they should not have been reimbursed for any of the costs. I would recommend paying for their time. In the future, explain that if it is an elective training tool, that they are responsible for all costs and the complany will not reimburse for any expenses. Additionally, take the time to create a policy clarifying what type of training, continuing education, etc. that the company will approe as work related to avaid any future confusion. Include what costs are covered by the company and hold people to it.
  • In our shop, EEs don't just get to "elect" to go to training. We require approval of their immediate supervisor and I look at it to make sure it is budgeted for. The approval process makes sure it really is work related and that the EEs can be away from their normal work station, that coverage is arranged and emergency contact information is in hand.

    If it is not work related, we might allow them the unpaid time off, but again, approval is required - they might get paid for it as a cost sharing arrangement, but we still have the final say.

    I see you are in Durango, CO. One of America's truly beautiful locations - great town.
  • You don't say they attended training during working hours or that they were 'on the clock', so I can't assume you should approve the training or have any say-so about it. No, I don't think the fact that you paid their mileage & per diem obligates you to pay them for the time. You could just have easily said, "OK, we'll buy you blue blazers to wear to the training and let you take the company van," and not have to pay them overtime.
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