Electronic Timesheets

Does anyone out there use an electronic timesheet for recording employee time (web based)? We're looking at moving in that direction and would like to get feedback on what's being utilized and the pros and cons. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • When we put in our new HRIS/payroll system with KRONOS, an electronic time sheet was one of the benefits that was offered. This has saved untold amounts of paper, chasing people down to get their time,etc. The time automatically bleeds over from the timeclock. Supervisors examine their time sheets on line and any discrepancies can be brought to the attention of the employee.
    Employees can view timesheets on line, but can't change their own without supervisory approval.

    This system also has the capability of allowing employees to view their own PTO bank and requesting time off electronically. Supervisors can also approve electronically. Our goal is to put this in place, along with self service of benefits by the end of the year.

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