non-exempt timecard reporting

Recently I heard that non-exempt employees should record the specific time they start and end work on their timecards, and do the same for lunch breaks. I'm concerned that the timecard system we have in place may not be adequate as we have a timecard reporting system where the non-exempt employee records total hours worked, but does not clock in or out. I'm wondering what others are doing in this regard.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-21-04 AT 12:47PM (CST)[/font][br][br]The Fair Labor Standards Act and a nmber of other federal and state laws requires employers to keep records of the hours worked, wages paid and other conditions of employment. The law does not mandate just how time records are to be kept. Employers have options, whic include; time cards, time clocks and other types of computerized and paper records where entries are made either manually or by keystroke or electronically. If you track time electronically or manually and the non-exempt ee is not compensated for lunch break, that should be shown as clock-out and clock-in on the system you use. As long as you have a system and it is understood by both parties and does accurately reflect beginning and ending work times and unpaid times, you're OK. The law doesn't require that you keep track of exempt hours worked.

    We don't track exempts. Non-exempt employees are tracked through Kronos which is a badge-swipe system. It tracks clock in and clock out as well as what task they are performing at any given time.
  • We use time sheets for salaried, non-exempt and all other non-exempts clock in and out.
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