Timeclock vs. logbook

We are an OR based logging company that has log truck drivers that are paid hourly based on their driver log book. All drivers are intra-state with no out of state travel. All drivers return to the yard every night. If we want to change to a timeclock are there any laws that say the log book has to match the timeclock or vise-versa? Or is there anything that would create a potential problem in this type of change?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I work for an interstate carrier and the only thing I can see is what the state DOT regulations concerning log books and the radius from the home location? Also, you would still be subject state DOT audits, right? If so, I would say most defintely that the log books and time cards need to match. If you were audited by the state DOT agency I believe they would look at both the log books and the time cards to see that they matched.
    I do not know what your state fine levels are, however I do believe they are quite stiff.
    If it were me I would contact my local trucking association and investigate the legal liabilities and if they cannot answer your question go ditectly to your state DOT office.
    My opinion is that you are walking on thin ice.
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