Payroll cards for "unbanked" employees

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-06-03 AT 10:32AM (CST)[/font][p]Is anyone using the new payroll cards for employees who do not have a traditional bank? I hear it can save employers $$ by not having to print and mail paychecks. I also hear it can be a cost for employees and can impact on Hispanics and other immigrants. Before moving in that direction, any input, suggestions???


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  • Right now, we only use the card for terminated employees. For us, it works because in California we need to pay out all monies at time of termination and sometimes the store manager may not have enough petty cash to do so. We have had no complaints or problems regarding the cards. The first transaction is free, so if they withdraw all the money, there is no cost. The employee is given a pamphlet with the card that has a Voice Response Unit Automated Service phone number to call to answer questions, both in English and Spanish. Payroll functions are out of my area, but apparently it is cost effective and the intent is to roll it out for all employees who do not use direct deposit.


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