Quick Survey

Hi Everyone,

Here's my question:

What were your 2003 increase percents and what do you anticipate 2004's to be?
Do you give a merit increase based on performance, just a COLA or a combination of the two?

Do you do annual reviews on anniversary dates or once a year?

Your input would be greatly appreciated!



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-17-03 AT 03:17PM (CST)[/font][p]Each department gets 3% to budget per employee. The manager can split that however he/she so chooses. An example would be: I have 5 employees, therefore I have 15% to work with for my department. Emp #1 goes above and beyond and is an exceptional worker, he gets 4.5%. Emp #2 is marginal/below average, he gets 2%, employee #3 is slightly above average 2.5%, #'s 4 & 5 are average, so they get 3%. Or, everyone gets 3%, etc, etc.

    Begin edit: Sorry I didn't mention review dates.

    Reviews are done on employment anniversary date or promotion, position change anniversary date. Raises "used" to go into effect on anniversary dates. We are currently on a six month delay in receiving increases. So, if your anniversary was January 6th, your increase effective date is now July 6th.

    Now: I will begin to vent: Our crack compensation administrator is more than 3 months behind on completing the salary plan, so actually raises aren't going through yet, so the 6 month delay is 3 months in arrears. Grrrrrrrrr, and there's no telling when increases will begin.
  • Last year was 1.8 %, this year 2.4- this is across the board

    You are also eligible for a merit increase from 0-5% (on top of the above)

    Reviews are done one a year in August, prior to fiscal year 10-1.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-17-03 AT 04:34PM (CST)[/font][p]We gave a "pool" of dollars for the Department Director to split amongst eligible employees. Last year was 4% which was combined COLA and Merit with no distinction made between the two.

    First review is 6 months, and then at one year. We get them into our annual review cycle in December as soon as possible, right before raises.
  • We give a "general increase" once a year to all employees who are performing at a satisfactory level. Employees in their first 90 days of employment, those on warning, or those whose performance is not satisfactory do not receive an increase. Any employee denied an increase for performance issues will have a written appriasal in 90 days. If an increase is granted at that time, it will not retroactive and will be one-half of whatever percentage was given at the time of the general increase.

    Our 2003 general increase was 4% for non-exempts only; exempt employees did not receive an increase this year. For 2004, the budget projection is 3% for both exempt and non-exempt employees.

    First performance appraisal is after 500 hours (our orientation and training period); thereafter, it is annual within the month the emlpoyee's anniversary occurs. There is no increase attached to the performance review.
  • Each department is allocated 4% of their current total salary for merit increases. We establish a raise plan at the end of the year for the following year. Each manager determines who gets how much and when. Raises are anywhere from 0% to whatever, but must average 4%. 2004 will probably be 4% again.

    Performance evaluations occur one year from the previous evaluation, but are not tied to the raises. Raises may occur anywhere from 6 months to 18 months with 12 months being the standard.
  • Hi,
    We do our increases the same way, but I wonder what you tell supervisors when they ask you "why the decrease?"
    We dropped our base from 4% to 3.25% and some managers are upset. We get our information from a local survey company. I am not sure how to answer.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

  • CY2003: No general pay raise. Several employees(about 10% of our work force) received a merit raise of about 5% for exceptual performance.

    CY2004: Dur to a better economic outlook, all employees received a 3% raise, in part to make up for the lack of a raise last year. About 10% of our work force recived an additional 3% (total of ~6%) based on exceptional performance during CY2003.

    All employees receive an evaluation in December, to tie in with possible performance raises in January.
  • 3% pool for each department. Managers suggest merit raises within the pool based on perforance. First review is 6 months from hire date, then annual. As soon as practicable, we do them on a calendar year basis right before raises.

    Raises are mostly merit based, but there is an informal minimum for EEs that are in good standing that looks a bit like a COLA.

    We expect next years to be 4%.
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