HR Manager Bonuses

Would anyone like to share ideas on good "criteria" for an HR Manager bonus program?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Somebody else posted this question in the last week or so, but I can't find it! There were some great responses too. I am not too adept at the search function yet...
  • Kymm,
    HRQ is absolutely correct. There are two ways to find the earlier postings:

    (1) In the "search" function (probably below and to the left of this screen), type in "bonus." The earlier discussion, titled "HR Bonus Programs," will be the sixth item in the list.

    (2) You can pick up the following link and put it in your browser: [url][/url].

    If it still doesn't show up, let me know. Hope this helps. tk

    Tony Kessler, director of editorial
    M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
    (615) 661-0294 ext. 8068

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