Lost Keys

We have keys issued to our 60 employees. The same key opens all exterior doors (15 total) to the building. One flaky employee, who is on already on the chopping block, has lost her key. Can we keep the rather expensive amount of what it will cost to replace all keys and locks from her final paycheck?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No. You cannot dock this from her pay. It is a cost of doing business. What you might want to consider instead of having keys issued that you change to a keyless entry where everyone has a code to get into the doors. If you have a lot of turnover, and have people not turning in keys, making copies, etc., this will end of saving you a lot of money and headaches. You just simply have a new code issued to employees when necessary.
  • I agree with Rockie that you may not deduct. Is it essential that all 15 doors be accessible from the outside? If not, and if a keyless system is not feasible, what about eliminating the locks to the non-essential doors. Maybe that would cut down on costs WHEN another EE misplaces keys.
  • We have card key access to enter and leave the building. I issue an ID card to each employee that they use to swipe accross the reader and are able to enter or leave. When the employee loses the card or terminates, I delete the card from the system. This also allows me to control the days and hours a person has access into the building.
  • I agree with former posts. You cannot charge the employee. You may wish to look into another security access like electronic locks, prior to re-keying the locks. Just my thoughts...
  • The costs of initiating a keyless access system are staggering. It will not be against the law to tell her she can have a key if she will pay whatever the cost is to issue her a new one. Or get her to sign authorizing you to deduct the cost from her pay. Then you have no law violation. Otherwise, do not give her one. Look at it like the post office does. Lose a key, buy a new one or give up access to the box.
  • Thanks very much for all the responses!

    We are currently experiencing growing pains from a small agency who "knew" each other to a larger employer with a few bad hires.

    We will look into keyless entry to hopefully save future headaches, but yes, it will probably stretch our budget.

    Thanks again!
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