Perfect Attendance Awards

The company I currently work for gives Perfect Attendance awards to its employees annually. Each consecutive year an employee receives this award the monetary value is increased. This program has been in place for 18+ years.

This is my first year at this company and I have recently brought to the attention of upper management that we CANNOT disqualify those individuals who missed work solely for FMLA reasons from getting this award (at least this is my understanding of the FMLA law regarding this issue). It is my understanding that in the past people who missed work ONLY for FMLA qualifying conditions WERE disqualified. Here's the problem...

It appears that upper management is open to the idea that these people having to get this award and are willing to provide it to them. What should I do about the people, and there will be some, who come to me complaining that they did not receive the award in the past and their only absences were FMLA covered?

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


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