Pay for Performance - Pay Plan

I work for a local public government. The Elected Officials would like to develop a pay plan for performance only.

For instance, each department would receive (example) 3% for each employee within their department, with the ability to "award" the employee who performed during the year.

I can see problems that can arise such as, some employees receiving 10% but others receiving 1% or nothing at all; large department vs. small department; introductory employees; favortism; defending the decision for the pay, etc.

I would like some examples of written policies, increase percentage guidelines, how do you handle challenges, etc. Anything you have that is working so I don't have to work through the problems would be greatly appreciated.



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • For about the last 12 or so years, Los Angeles County has a pay for performance plan but it's limited to top managers, going mainly down only two levels from the agency head (in some cases three levels, but still a manager). Oringally, the plan was to include all non-unionized position, but after a few years, the County severely curtailed it's scope and limited just to the top managment positions.

    You may want to contact the Los Angeles County Department of Human Resources in Los Angeles for information on their experience.
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