Pay for travel time


Are we required to pay a non-exempt technician for driving time to a job which can be as much as 3 or 4 hours away from his home? We have always paid them in the past, but now my boss says we don't have to.

Thanks for any speedy replies. We need this resolved ASAP.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Check out this week's Q&A article on

    Must I pay employees while they're traveling?

    Christy Reeder
    Website Managing Editor
  • dmartensen, get in touch with your local federal wage and hour folks ask for a "free" copy of Regulations: Part 785. Hours Worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, As Amended. Obviously, you have a boss that does not know what he/she is talking about, or giving guidance out that will in the short run cause much concern and could potentially cost greater monies than if you do it right the first time. His idea is not right, unless the ee is a rider and is not required to do any work in navigation or driving to get to a remote work site. Subpart C. Application of principles 785.10 to 785.41 tells you everything you need to know in order to educate the "boss" as to the real world of work and pay for time spent. You might even find the one fact that your "boss" knows or has been told,which made him/her an expert on HR issues when it comes to pay. By pulling out your ready reference you can show the "boss" your real ability to lead guide and direct the company through him with good information that is right in every situation. My copies are very worn and they don't seem to change very often. Good Luck Pork
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