FLSA / wage and hour training for managers

I was wondering if anyone had a training manual or presentation they use to train managers on the FLSA. I am looking to create a presentation of summary of sorts for managers to use as a guide in determine what may and may not be done according to wage and hour laws. I do realize that sate laws may vary, but does anyone have any material they use of feel explains the subject clearly?
Like I mentioned, I am just in the beginning stages but figured Ii would ask…no sense in re-inventing the wheel :)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-05-02 AT 11:26AM (CST)[/font][p]Here is my non-technical presentation that I have been using for years. Draw a "T" on a flip chart. One column is exempt and the other non-exempt, then describe the difference. Exempts are execs and mgrs, non-exempts aren't. Exempts supervise, non-exempts don't, exempts are professionals, non-exempts are technical or clerical, exempts give directions, non-exempts follow directions, exempts are creative, non-exempts do routine work, exempts hire people and terminate people, non exempts get hired and terminated, exempts exercise independent discretion and judgement, non exempts do routine work. After the columns are filled out, say that it is easy to recognize the majority of employees and which side they are on, but, some are in the middle. Then it depends on the percentage of time that they do work on both sides. I do a big 51% (big note, under FLSA this is 80% I believe, the 51% is CA.)and say if they do 51 % exempt work they are exempt and if 51% non-exempt work they are non-exempt. Then say there are still a couple or three people in the middle and for them you can 1)be conservative and pay overtime, 2) be risky and classify them as exempt, 3)flip a coin or 4)ask the government. This isn't copyrighted. Have fun!
  • Thanks. that is a creative way of looking at it.
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