Mandate of Hours to an Exempt Employee

This employee is in a managerial position and is exempt salaried. This employee was recently issued a memo that states they are to be at work from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. With no mention of lunch or breaks. I believe the handbood states the customary work week is 40 hours monday through friday. People in this company work that are salaried work varied outs (i.e., 9-6; 8-5; some evening meeting work), but typically it is a M-F 8-5 job.
Question: Can they issue a memo saying when this employees hours our and exceed the customary 40 hour work week as a salaried exempt employee?
Question: Can they issue a memo saying when this employees hours our and exceed the customary 40 hour work week as a salaried exempt employee?
We have not had trouble with the exempts in "telling" them when they must be here. They also realize that it may entail time other than the regular hours.
Usually, salaried individuals get compensated at a higher rate and/or have enhanced benefits, flexibility in work schedules, "perks" or whatever to "make up" for not getting overtime.
We do enjoy the little perks like not worrying about a lunch "hour", if one day it become 15 minutes extra, it is not a worry. For the most part, our lunch hour begins 11:30 and 1:30. People are coming and going during that time so if an exempt is a little late during that time, then it isn't really noticed. We are still small enough so that it is noticed if that situation is happening all of the time, and in the matter of employee morale, the issue would be addressed. However, people do realize that different jobs have different rules and that no matter how much you try to treat people equally, there will be some differences.
Like Rockie mentioned, if you have patients in the building at 5:00, your nurses or front office staff cannot just pick up and leave, however, your mail clerk or accounts receivable staff could.