Misc Payroll Deductions

When we hire a new employee they sign and Employee Handbook Receipt that states that they have read the booklet and understand it. Also, on this receipt we have a line that reads "The undersigned employee agrees that the company may deduct, withhold or divert any portion of my wages until I return all company owned property or pay for its damage and/or loss".

When the employees receive a vehicle or piece of equipment it is signed out to them and recorded in a log, if when the employee quits and he cannot find the item we deduct the value of that item out of his check. By Nebraska law, we were advised that the statement on our Employee Handbook Receipt covers that issue.

But, now we have a case where over a very short period of time (2 weeks) an employee who has a company truck signed out to him has accidentally hit a pole damaging the door on his truck and also backed into another car. We want to charge him the deductible that we will have to pay on both claims.

Can we? Anyone have a good answer??

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