Exempt Employee & Hours Worked

Can we ask an exempt employee to work set company hours, such as 8:00 to 5:00?

We have an exempt employee that comes in late and leaves early most of the time, her manager is under the assumption that since she is exempt, he can't say anything about her hours.



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Exempt employees do not get to come and go as they please. I would tell this person that regular office hours are 8 - 5, that all the other employees work those hours and you expect him/her to keep regular office hours like everyone else. You can write an exempt employee up for being consistently tardy or leaving early. I wouldn't document this problem down to the minute, but I would write him/her up for being late by at least 30 minutes on the following days and then list the dates. Also, how is this person getting his/her work done if he/she is working this abbreviated schedule? Aren't you also having a productivity problem that should be addressed with this person? Hope that helps.

    Margaret Morford
  • I believe you would be safe in stating that the normal office hours are 8 - 5 and employees are expected to generally be present during those times. I would not expect an exempt to account hour for hour, but I would make the expectations clear that exempt employees are expected to average at least 40 hours a week. If an exempt is working less than this, maybe you should examine the job description to make sure the position is truly exempt.

    This sounds like a case of taking advantage of exempt status in order to work less than a normal schedule.
  • We have to have more coverage on our 1st & 2nd shifts. Can we set up schedule to our managers for more than 40 hours a week? We are looking for 41 to 45 hours per week. No more than 45 per week. They are salaried/exempt employees.

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