Exempt and sick/personal time recording

I am clarifying some vagueness in our policy, and wanted to say that exempt staff who are recording paid sick and personal time off can do this in increments of 4 hours. Is this legal with regard to FLSA? I have heard one-day increments mentioned for unpaid time off, but am not sure if this also goes for paid time off.

We are in Massachusetts. Thanks.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Your suggested method would not violate anything in FLSA as long as you have a bona-fide sick and vacation program that employees would use to supplement their reduced income if they are absent. Keeping in mind that absences of less than a day for personal reasons do not normally reduce an exempt persons income, you can supplement this time with vac or sick pay if it applies to everyone...........
  • I am also in MA, and we allow employees to take PTO time in half day (four hour) increments.

    The only thing is that if the exempt employee runs out of time, you have to either dock them or pay them for full days. That's the point at which the whole-day question comes in.
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