Salary bonus payments

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-28-01 AT 02:51PM (CST)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-28-01 AT 12:19 PM (CST)[/font]

We have 4 employees whom are paid salary- actual hours worked dos not apply to their wage. However if they so choose to pick up a shift extra- they are being paid a bonus amount. My question is, as exempt employees does their working on the floor- hands on- for 'extra $' endanger their exempt position? These are nurses whom usually do paperwork but occasionally are asked to extra and are being paid extra for this.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's not clear whether these people are working within or outside of their exempt classification. I'm assuming that "working on the floor" is different than their normal exempt responsibilities and that they do non-exempt tasks. If so, then their exempt status is probably weakened. Permitting this to be done on an infrequent basis may not be a cause for concern, but if it happens with regularity, I'd be nervous about their loss of exempt status for the pay period in which they perform these non-exempt tasks.
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