rest/coffee breaks

Must I provide rest/coffee breaks? I currently have a branch that is manned by two people and is very busy. They may eat/drink at the branch and each is expected to 'cover' the other window should one require a bathroom 'break'. Because other branches provide opportunities for a 15 minute break, we pay those at our drive-in $10 week in lieu of a break. They get an hour (unpaid) each day for lunch. Am I violating any rules by not sending break coverage to our drive-in.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Please see answer to previous question.
  • Check your state laws. In South Carolina, there is no legal requirement to provide breaks or even a meal period. But...we do, of course, provide lunch times which is unpaid time and employees clock in and out. Break times are paid time and are short in duration (no "formal" number of minutes). Sometimes people get them and sometimes they don't depending on workload, but we would not offer any "extra" compenation since this is already considered paid time. Employees just realize that it may not always be possible to get a break and in most instances, people do not take breaks, except for the bathroom.
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