Extending coverage for "serious illness"

How does one get the extension of COBRA coverage when they have had a serious illness? Example employee had cancer, was in treatment and on disability for 17 months, and would like to extend the coverage for the potential 36 months. Is there a special form they need to fill out? Is it thier responsibility to request this form or should they be notified extended coverage is potentially available?

This is not within my CO, a friend's son (23) had very serious cancer, almost succumbed, honestly , and he is not getting a lot of information from the HR dept. Now I know it is easy to say HR not helpful, so I am trying to explain to him it could be his interactions.

They forced him to resign. Is that the only path, if he was still considerd disabled by his DR, at that point? This prevents him from getting unemployment, and I am not sure how this all should be viewed.

Looking for some perspective from some of you who deal with this on a more regular basis. Thanks!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • To get extended COBRA coverage, he must be declared disabled by the Social Security Administration. (I might be wrong: it might be Medicare, but I think it is SSA.)

    If he already has had 17 of his 18 months of coverage, it is probably too late. It usually takes awhile to get such a declaration from them, and I seriously doubt if 1 month will be long enough. If he gets it before he is terminated from the plan, he will be eligible for 29 months, not 36.

    This is an unfortunate and serious situation, but in all honesty it is not up to the HR department to tell employees about how to get considered disabled. Still, if it were me I would have tried to point the employee in the right direction months ago.

    If he loses coverage through his COBRA, he might qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. He is old enough.

    My best wishes go out to them all. Cancer is a tough road to haul.

  • It is my understanding as well that the person must be rendered disabled by the Social Security Administration to extend their COBRA coverage. I don't believe it's an "option" the employee can just elect.

    From what I have heard, it takes quite some time to be declared disabled and eligible to collect SSI so I agree with Nae that it may be too late for this individual but yes, Medicaid or Medicare may be an option they should explore.

    I wish them the best.
  • I did not think it was something a person could opt for. I knew it would have to be doctor confirmed and such also, but I would have thought someone would have tried to steer him in the correct direction, or at least mention the possibility so he could check it out.

    Is it only for those permanently disabled, or just something the SSA makes the ruling on?

    He is doing well now and is pronounced cancer free, however it was a very aggressive cancer, in his neck and they are not at all going to be shocked if it came back. He is out looking for a new job and is anxious to get on with his life. Thank you for the good thoughts!

  • I believe the disability has to be permanent. Unfortunately some permanently-disabled people die before they are deemed permanently disabled by SSA and get any benefits. The system moves very slowly.

    Nice to heaer he is cancer free for now and I wish him the best.
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