Internet Reimbursement

We currently reimburse our staff $20 monthly to help offset the price of their home internet service. This perk was in place when I got here and although I like the idea, I have no background as to why it was put in place. Anyways, I was looking into the price of High Speed Internet and $20 does not cover it. Does anyone else have a reimbursement in place similar to this? I'm get a proposal ready to have this figure increased but need to do reseach first as to what amount would be more in line with today's costs. If any of you are willing to share also how much you pay for your home internet service, that would be great too!!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It used to be common practice to pay for an employee's internet service so they could get important emails while at home. Now everyone has cell phones and blackberrys.

    In any case, the internet service provided does not have to be hi-speed. If your organization has employees who work from home via accessing the internet, then it makes sense. If it is just for email, then hi-speed is unnecessary. You can get dial-up for $10 a month from several services (last I checked it included walmart connect and net-zero).

    First figure out why employees have this service. I recommend talking to a long time employee who knows a lot about the history of the company. Then you will know better what the needs are and how to get pricing, and more importantly, how best to present your proposal.

    Good luck!


  • Also consider if the ee's will be using the hookup for personal use as well. If they are, then the er should not be responsible to pay for the full cost.
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