Extended Sick Leave

Our company size is roughly 200 employees. We currently offer a sick leave benefit that accrues at a rate of 1.85 hours per 80 hour pay period. The accrual maximum is 36 days. Requirements to use this benefit are a two-day waiting period plus a doctor's note. I'm wondering how this sick leave benefit compares to others. In 2006 and 2007 combined, our company spent $90,000 on this benefit.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We offer only PTO (all inclusive) and an STD policy in the benefits mix employees can buy. Because PTO is used for all forms of absence, including holidays & vacations, costs for its use as a sick leave are not calculated separately. We don't offer any assistance on the purchase of STD except managing the employees' payments by payroll deduction.
  • May be best to look at industry specific in your regional area.
    We are a financial institution and accrue 1 day sick leave (8 hours) for every month - 12 days a year with a maximum of 30 days. We do not require a waiting period or a note from their doc' unless we have reason to suspect someone is taking advantage of our program.
    We allow sick leave to be used in any amount of time from one minute to the full 30 days.
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