PTO and Attendence Policy

Our organization is switching over to a PTO in January. Thanks to all your help and the past threads I have been able to get most of my questions answered, but one lingers unanswered. Hows does your current attendence policy work with your PTO? Right now we allow 3 unplanned absences in 6 months. How does that compare to your plan? Any input would be helpful. If you would be willing to email your Attendence Policy to me ( that would be great too!! Thanks again.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our attendence policy does not even address PTO banks. Running out of PTO can say alot, or it can mean nothing. You have to look at each individual case to determine if it is a factor you want to bring in to the disucssion.

    Here, if you have too many absences you are counciled, and so on until termination. You might have a ton of leave available, but it doesn't matter. You should be using your leave in a scheduled manner, not calling in sick every other Monday.

    Good luck!


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