
I am planning a Spring Kick off and have decided to do a morning breakfast buffet line at a local golf course (clubhouse area). I work for a landscape company with about 140 employees. I am looking for ideas on getting them motivated for the season during our meeting. We will also be discussing our strategic plan during this meeting. Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What outcome are you looking for from your employees? Without knowing exactly what your expectations are, a general concept would be to clarify your desired outcome for your business, individualize it to functions and individual roles, identify objective criteria and process for managing, and decide what has value to your workers. Incentives are generally not salary increases, but they can be for some industries if workers earn commissions. Intrinsic awards may have more value, i.e., training, certificates, autonomy, high profile opportunities, newspaper articles/pictures, etc. What you pick would be based on what your company's workers see as having value.

    Best wishes.
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