Roth IRA

One of the services I get on the net was running a poll to find out if employers have Roth IRA deductions for their employees. We have a Section 457 plan (similar to 401k, but for public sector), but I'm not aware of what steps would be required to set up a Roth deduction. Can someone educate me?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Roth IRA's allow employees to contribute 'post-tax' dollars to an IRA. Limit for 2005 is $4,000. Since deductions are post-tax (unlike other IRA's) they don't require payroll deductions. I have a Roth IRA. My employer isn't involved in anyway. I just write my check and send it in.

    I wouldn't think it would be too hard to set up a deduction for Roth IRA - but it also wouldn't seem to really be necessary.

    Disclaimer: Retirement regs are not my forte.
  • Thanks for the answer. I raised the question because of the poll. Apparently some employers have set up Roth deductions. I would think an employee could have a deduction directly deposited with some financial institution where he/she would have the money go into a Roth without any intervention of the er. I wondered if the employer had something to do with it, whether the er would have some responsibility not to exceed the maximum, etc.
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