Health Insurance paid for some

Our company has BC/BS. We have 28 employees in our Pennsylvania office. Any employee can choose to enroll in our health insurance once they become eligible; however, certain support staff have their premiums paid as part of their overall compensation package while others are required to pay their own premiums. Is it permissible to pay premiums for some but not all staff, or can we only offer to pay premiums if we do this for all employees within a certain class? Thanks!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's permissable to do whatever you think makes sense, assuming it's not illegal or discriminatory. You don't mention whether you have a flex comp program offering some employees different benefit options........ Presumably your decision to offer fully pd hlth premiums to some staff is a product of their compensation, job titles, seniority, etc..... If it's not, then you might find some pot-holes in your comp strategy. Don't have enuf info to help you sort thru this question...... Has size of org grown quickly? How long has hlth insur subsidy been present? How prevalent is this practice in your community/market?????
  • Yes, it is OK to do that, with the proviso that DowntheMiddle added, as long as it is not discriminatory. For instance, if EEs are otherwise equal (and when does that really happen?), but those that are in a protected class pay for their own insurance, then you might have an issue.
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