travel adders

For our outside sales reps, we give them the choice of being paid for personal auto mileage on a per mile basis (existing IRS rate of $.37.5 per mile) or they can take a $400 monthly travel adder which is added to their paychecks each month and is taxable. I'm wondering how others are handling personal auto use for sales reps.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • we too offer a car allowance. for our sales staff howerver, we don't pay mileage (they drive so many miles) we also provide a company car when appropriate. However, we calcuated in advance and have set a policy that states how many miles will be reimbursed before requiring a rental. we've had employees who racked up a couple of hundred dollars in mileage when we could have rented them a car for a heck of a lot less.

    hope this helps!
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