Canceling COBRA

Within a week of being terminated, a former EE submitted his enrollment form for COBRA; however, he did not send payment. This information was passed along to our claims payor.
Two weeks later the former EE says he wants to retract his COBRA enrollment, and added that he'd had no claims during these 2 weeks.
A couple of questions: 1) Does he legitimately owe for those 2 weeks; and 2) If he does, is it really worth it to pursue payment?
Thanks for your input!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No he does not owe for those weeks unless he used the insurance. I would recommend you receive something from him in writing verifying that he doesn't want the COBRA before filing the paperwork with your insurance co.. Remind him that if there were any claims during that period, they will be denied by the insurance company unless he makes the monthly premium payment.

    Treat this as you would someone that elected COBRA and failed to make the payment. Terminate him back to day one.
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