NO or VERY LOW cost employee recognition programs

Hello All,
I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for on the spot recognition programs and for ongoing employee recognition programs. I have recently joined a company with 200 employees most of which are data entry/customer service. Currently we were using a "dress code" coupon, which entitled its holder to wear jeans/dress down on any given day. However, recently the company has adopted a dress code in which Mon and Fri are dress down days. The coupons have lost there effect. They also do a monthly birthday, which no one is interested in any longer. In addition the EOM program, has ceased to be exciting. Any ideas for new programs???
I would like to find some new programs, can you tell me what has worked for you??? I am considering changing to Employee of the Quarter, discontinuing birthdays (we also recognize individual birthdays with a card, balloons, and a $5 cert to Blockbuster), and allocating the funds saved to new programs.



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm dealing with the same issue here - just about the same number of employees too. It's a tough situation, and our committee can't seem to agree on how to implement the recognition program. We have the problem of some managers recognizing a good sneeze, and others that can't be bothered to recognize great behavior at all............. Not sure what to do with either.
  • Our most successful employee recognition program is our company newsletter, which is stocked with stories of employees who went the extra mile. It gives them the recognition without monetizing it. HR reminds the managers before each issue's deadline, and the managers submit brief descriptions of the success stories they want to highlight.

    Brad Forrister
    Director of Publishing
    M. Lee Smith Publishers

  • I have to come up with the rewards for perfect attendance for our employees. In addition to having their name on a banner to reflect perfect attendance, I am alloted $100 per month for an award. (We're non-profit with most of our funding coming from Medicaid, so there is not much extra cash.$$$) Believe it or not, I have managed to find something every month and usually for about 45-55 employees. I check out the dollar stores and get things such as mugs, flash lights, candy dishes, ice scrapers - employees love these! xclap I also go to Walmart and get extra large candy bars or insulated cups, etc. As long as they get something, they are happy. Usually, if I have someone with 6 mos. - 1 year with perfect attendance I will maybe get something bigger for them. Hope this helps.
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