
We have several employees who are "retiring" from full-time positions, but are continuing to work here on a part-time basis. Would you carryover unused sick time, or consider such an employee to be starting from scratch with no sick days?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Eve, if there is no policy, I would "cash out" any unused days. Our part timers do not get vacation or sick days only holidays.

    I see this is your first post. Welcome to the Forum and hang on tight. It's quite a ride. In the future, try posting similar questions on HR and Employment. You should get a variety of answers.
  • I don't know what you mean by "post the question on HR and Employment". How do I do that?

    Thanks for your answer.
  • Hello and welcome to the Forum! What Rita means is that on the main employer's forum page, there is a category called, "HR and employment". You would get a much quicker response to your question there then in this category. This category is more for "how to use the forum".

    Hope this helps!
  • Surprise! Per your suggestions, I've moved this thread -- to the "Benefits" section. Hope this helps. tk

    Tony Kessler, director of editorial
    M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
    (615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
  • We do bring back retirees, but not as part-timers. The retirees are terminated and all accrued time is paid out to them to their date of retirement, according to the applicable policy. They can be rehired on a per diem basis, meaning they are called as needed--that "as needed" could be 8 hours per week or 40 hours per week. As per diems, they do not accrue vacation, sick, or holiday time, but they receive overtime, if applicable, and any appropriate hourly differentials that may apply; i.e., weekend, shift, holiday. They receive no other benefits. We also adjust their wage to the maximum for the job classification from which they retired.
  • Isn't there a department of labor law that upon retirement employees are only allowed to work 40 hours a month and continue to receive monthly pension without suspending?
  • We would handle similar to the poster above - retire the person, pay out vacation and wipe out the sick time balance. If they came back in a part-time capacity, we would stop their pension benefit and they would be treated as a regular part-time person (not eligible for vac or sick or health benefits, but would still participate in 401(k) and pension plan with their old service credit date.
  • Eve, do you have retirees who collect their monthly pension and continue to work full time?
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