Salary Continuation Policy?

I am in the process of getting a salary continuation policy written for our company. We offer full pay and benefits for our physicians, directors, and a few other distinct groups.

Currently, the length of time would be 90 of full pay and benefits for an individual with a certified illness or disability. Long term disaility benefits would pick up at that point.

What the policy does not address are individuals that are on an intermittent leave of absence. Does anyone have a policy they would be willing to share? Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our salary continuation policy for exempt employees allows for 90 days (three months) of full pay and benefits when they are out with a certified illness or injury. After that they are paid at 60% for another 90 days and if they are still not able to return, long-term disability kicks in. Our policy does not address intermittent leave but we do not make a practice of "docking" exempt employees (even if it is FMLA certified) for shortened weeks, etc.
  • Our Salary Continuation policy does not apply to intermittent leaves of absence.
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