Retiree Health Insurance

If retirees are allowed to continue health insurance benefit into retirement, is it within the legal realm to NOT allow a retiree back into the plan if he/she elects to drop coverage? We would like to establish a company policy that will NOT allow the retiree back into the plan.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't have access to a policy, but my former employer offered retiree health insurance, and it was certainly a condition that if they ever waived or dropped out of the plan, they would NOT be allowed back in. This was a major corporation with lots of legal help, so I can't imagine that this policy was not legal. Hopefully someone else on the forum can help you with a sample policy. Also, welcome aboard, the forum is very helpful, but keep in mind state rules can differ, some of us are private employers and others are public (government) employers, union vs. non-union, etc., so you have to take some of these answers with caution.
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