HIPPA compliance just got dumped in my lap and I am VERY confused. As an employer who pays health insurance premiums to an insurance carrier on behalf of our employees, are we a "covered entity"? We have access to the original application, including health information. In addition, we have medical infomration from our pre-employment physicials that contain a medical history. If we are a "covered entity", how do we determine if we are a "small health plan", by premium, number of employees, or what?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You need to look at the total dollar amount of paid claims over an average year. If it is less than 5 million, you are considered a small plan and have until next year to comply. If it is over that amount, you should have been in compliance as of April 14, 2003. For additional information you can go to [url]www.hhs.gov[/url] for additional information.
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