Not only do we allow it, we require it. At the first occurence of absence related to pregnancy, the employee is advised that the FMLA clock has begun ticking. The paperwork is secured and all the appropriate notifications are made and the part day and whole day absences related to the pregnancy are deducted from the "12 week bank". Also, sick leave and vacation are concurrently being exhausted, which is the employer's right if so elected and stated in the policy. This may sound harsh, but the alternative is pregnant employees missing work for checkups and bedrest, then missing additional time during delivery, then requesting 12 weeks of FMLA, then putting in for the balance of sick leave and vacation. Observing the 12 week period concurrent with other leave, and beginning it at the inception of the first missed day, at least allows the employer some bit of control over the situation.
I agree with Don regarding the use of sick leave but must warn you to be careful if there is a state law governing FMLA usage. In this case, for example, the Wisconsin law allows the use of paid leave ONLY if the EMPLOYEE agrees and it is not until the federal law kicks in (after 6 weeks for the birth or adoption of a child) that the EMPLOYER can REQUIRE an employee to use paid leave. Before putting any policy into writing, be sure you have all the information to ensure compliance. One additional item, if your company is unionized you may have a more difficult time changing an existing policy without getting their approval.
Good Luck!