Mental Nervous STD

Any advice on how to handle an employee that sent an e-mail yesterday complaining about her supervisor & called today stating her doctor has placed her on 3 weeks "stress leave". Our STD is company-subsidized, it does allow for a 2nd opinion but we have not utilized this option before.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • As far as STD, you need to have the employee give you medical information (the dr's note -- not just the employee's word). After you see what the dr says, then you can consider whether you need a 2nd opinion for STD. Also, I would start the employee on FMLA.

    The bigger issue from a liability standpoint is the complaint about the supervisor. Did the employee raise any protected reason (this is because of my gender, age, race, etc.)? If so, you will have to investigate the allegations and determine if they have any merit.

    Good Luck!
  • If she offered no clarification, don't wait for her to do so. I recommend going ahead and getting a full statement from the supervisor as to his knowledge of what might be up with her. Ask the supervisor for a detailed memo regarding any and all interactions he might have had with her in the past month regarding performance or other things that she might view as potentially confrontational. And get him to provide any prior documentation, if only his notes, as well as witnesses to any behavioral problems of hers. This might at least put you on second base by the time she returns.
  • Her verbal statement gave you notification of a potential medical condition. Your next step is to get medical certification from her doctor, with a short deadline for response. Even if FMLA is not a factor, you are allowed to seek clarification (with the employee’s permission). Like Theresa said, you can address STD and FMLA after you have better medical information.

    Don and Theresa are very astute to point you at the bigger picture of the complaint. Follow up right away with the supervisor and get it on paper. This may all boil down to a mishandled performance issue.

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