I assume, based on what I've read so far, that pregnancy and ovulation test are not eligible expenses on a medical flexible spending account. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks!
I am NOT an expert on MSA's, but I thought the purpose of an MSA was to cover medical expenses not covered by insurance. I mean, like..., wigs are covered if there is a medical reason for the need. Someone correct me ..please, if I'm wrong!
My recollection is that that part of a cafeteria plan (125) will reimburse you for any expense that falls within the coverages of your group health plan. Its a way of fronting the money pre-tax and getting it all back rather than trying to count up your medical expenses at tax time just to find out you don't meet the percentage threshold. It saves you the taxable portion of the amount you spent. But, again, when I participated in these, as I recall, the expense had to fall within our plan definition. And certainly drugstore stuff doesn't count unless prescribed. If I'm off base, please holler!