Coding Time Sheets - for FML

Our policy has stated that the employees are responsible for properly coding their time sheet. In their absence, however, the employee must call their supervisor and instruct them how to code their time sheet.

My new HR director wants to change the SOP, requiring the supervisors to ask each employee, 'if the requested leave is for FML or not?" PS - the Supervisors are instructed not to ask any presonal health related questions.

My question, by law who has the final duty in the proper coding of the employee 's time sheet?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It is ultimately the employer's responsibilty to accurately record FMLA usage. What I would recommend is that you tell your EEs that they are required to notify management personnel when their absences should be covered under FMLA (assuming they have their paperwork completed) and that their failure to do so will result in their absences falling within your attendance policy. This is what I do and it works well. If I have a question about their usage I can contact them and, if necessary, require new paperwork be completed.
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