FMLA vent
482 Posts
I am so sick and tired of reminding people about returning FMLA certifications I could scream. Shouldn't people have to be responsible for themselves without us having to remind them they have a week before the paperwork is due, then another reminder that they have another seven days since they didn't get it in when it was due? I'd love to deny the leave but my employer would never let me. (So the Certification is pretty much moot but I still want to go through the steps to protect myself.)
Is anyone else tired of this? Thanks for listening.
Is anyone else tired of this? Thanks for listening.
We also do not deny Leave for failure to return forms. Would be nice to have that luxury. No, instead, I get to harass the employee and their supervisor until they grudgingly comply. They love it when I do that. Makes them feel needed.
Also, when an employee is dealing with a serious health issue, whether their own or that of a family member, returning the forms is not the first thing on their minds.