FMLA/ADA and Doctor Certification Letter for Accomodation

I have an interesting and challenging FMLA/ADA case on my hands. I need help with a generic letter/form to accompany my employee's job description to her physician which would show that she is able to perform or not able to perform her job duties with or without a reasonable accomodation. At my old job we had a cover letter that we created, but at my new employer they have never had an FMLA or ADA case that required it so I'm starting from scratch. Anything you all could provide to help in the process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Dear Dr. xxxx,

    Your patient, _________, is an employee of our organization and has requested a medical leave of absence from work. To adequately assess his/her request, we are attemting to identify whether he/she can perform any of the duties associated with his/her job or must be fully relieved of his/her duties during his/her recovery and rehabilitation.

    We have asked Mr./Ms. ____________ to present you with a copy of his/her job description and ask that you review the job tasks and note whether there are any that Mr/Ms should be able to perform (with or without limitation) as well as any that he/she should refrain from performing at this time. If it is convenient to do so, please feel free to make notations on the job description and include any limitations you recommend.

    Mr/Ms ____________________'s recovery and return to his/her pre-illness job performance is important to us, and we appreciate your guidance as we work with Mr./Ms in developing the most advantageous arrangement possible. If you have any questions . . .

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