Exercise Balls In The Office
44 Posts
I was hoping to get some advice on an issue that has just popped up in our office. We have an Employee Event Committee that just started a new company newsletter that goes out to all of the employees. The newsletter contains puzzles, comics, birthday wishes, employee profiles, motivational quotes and fitness tips. One of the fitness tips is to get rid of your desk chair and substitute it with an exercise ball. If an employee decides to do this, and is injured in any way by sitting (or falling off) on the ball, can the company be held liable for this? Would it be a workman's comp issue? What if a release form was signed by the employee? Would that hold up? We would like to find ways to encourage health and fitness, but should we allow this?
Personally, I wouldn't allow it.
best wishes.
Understanding from an expert's point of view whether or not sitting on an exercise ball (or even an exercise ball/chair combo) could create potential problems might not be a bad idea if you're seriously considering allowing this.