FMLA for Father?
562 Posts
Employee has requested FMLA paperwork to take her father to periodic doctor's appointments. Yesterday he got something caught in his throat and was unable to clear it. They sent him from the local hospital to the University hospital and on the way, the cleared the obstruction. From what she said, it does not sound like he has a serious health condition, she just wants to be available to take him to different appointments. Am I way off base here? She can use sick time for the appointments. Any guidance on situations like this would be appreciated!
Keep in mind that it is almost always better to have the FMLA clock running. She might take all of her sick time now on appointments and then expect an additional 12 weeks later. Which would you prefer? Some now and some later for a total of 12 weeks, or some now and 12 later for a total of who knows how much?
Good luck
He is getting older and does require more attention. This employee is our Problem Child (as I'm sure you've heard my call her before) and will use every angle to work the system. She does not want to use her sick time, or any paid time for that matter. I will give her the paperwork and wait for the doctor's certification. That is the way to go anyway, isn't it? I am not a doctor and therefore cannot make determinations on what is a serious health condition. At least she can only take 2 weeks before we force the use of paid time, in accordance with state law.
Thanks again!
best wishes.