using FMLA early
30 Posts
Good Morning all...I have received some very helpful information from these forums in the past and would like to present this question before I google it. This morning I had an employee come into my office and ask me if it is possible for her to start her 12 week FMLA leave this coming Monday even if she hasn't had her baby yet. Her due date is this Thursday (Oct 11). She has a doctor's appt on Friday and there she will find out if they will induce labor this weekend or week until sometime next week. She would like her 12 weeks to run out on Jan. 7th so then she can return to work. Is there any law that says she can't start her FML before she has the baby. I know that an employee can use FML during her preganancy if there complications and a doctors note. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you.