Doctor Clarification
562 Posts
Employee is back to work after knee surgery, with restrictions. At her next appointment, can I ask her to "recertify" her restrictions, indicating a possible end date for them? The 2 I have on file have only the date they were written. It's not that the restrictions are a severe problem, but with this particular employee, I need all my ducks in a row.
Recertification request: You may ask for recertification if the first certification did not have an estimated date or time for the period of incapacity for your employee. If I read your note correctly, that sounds like the case in your situation. Recertification can be requested if the employee ask for a leave extension, or if you have reason to doubt the validity of the certification. If the physician never put a return date on it, or the date put has expired, then you have a right to ask for recertification. The most common problem I have is that the physician leaves it blank or writes "undetermined". In this case I send the employee back since the law does allow the employer to ask the physician to provide in their best medical judgment how long the leave should last.
Aside from that, you might also consider adopting the DOL medical questionnaire. Again, the caveat would be to be consistent in this situation. If you choose to use new forms or procedures with this situation, you would minimize your risk for making the change if you document someone in your process that you are making a program-wide change and not just a change for the current FMLA concern.
One more thing, my experience has been that when an employer is suspicious of an employee in FMLA, there is reason to be because of the employee's prior work history. I would encourage you to take a look at exactly why you are suspicious. If you find that work performance issues are surfacing as suspicious FMLA issues (which is quite common), go back to your performance evaluation and disciplinary processes to see if they need to be tweaked somehow.
Thanks, good luck
Thanks for listening to my vent!! Everyone has at least one employee who works the system