Prior to birth - doctor apptmts.
175 Posts
Doctor appointments in relation to child birth (before birth appointments and follow ups)do qualify as FMLA, right?
James Sokolowski
This is what you're looking for: A pregnant employee may take
leave intermittently for prenatal examinations or for her own condition,
such as for periods of severe morning sickness.
That might mean hiring a temp to handle the missing hours in that department. These leaves fall into the "intermittent" category because by their very nature they cannot be predicted or scheduled with much success. It is more common for the morning sickness to go away after a certain period of time, I think the first tri-mester. Once that period has passed, if the morning sickness continues, you can request an update from the service provider.
But do not try to limit the medical need in such a way to cause the EE to go to the DOL.
This is why we start the FML clock as soon as possible. It is one of the tools we have to limit the impact to the business. It is unlikely that an EE will utilize the 12 weeks prior to the actual birth, but it does happen. In that case, at least you have some choices.
At first she said she found it increasingly difficult to make it through the workday and wanted to work from home. I am not keen on that arrangement. I also told her if she did not feel well enough to work, then get a note from doctor putting her on 1/2 days. Now she got wise and just said she wants two weeks to tie up loose ends and rest before the birth.
I plan to cite the reg link above. Am I correct in doing so?
Good luck!
She doesn't want her doctor to certify it. She doesn't want it to count towards her 12 weeks. This is was I am referencing in the conversation with her.
"the employer is responsible for designating if an employee's use of paid leave counts as FMLA leave, based on information from the employee.."
"..a serious health condition is ...."
1) treatment two or more times...
2)pregnancy or prenatal care. A visit to the health care provider is not necessary for each absence;
3) chronice serious health condition...
etc, etc.
I'm OK with giving her the two weeks, but I want to count it towards her 12 week leave based on the above info. Can I do that?
I would not approve this vacation request. It puts the company in a position to have to arrange for someone else to take over the work 2 weeks earlier than you are currently planning. That is a valid reason in my world.
What will happen now? She will be 2 weeks early on delivery and none of this conversation will make any difference. Just a prediction.
I would not agree to it here. It sets a bad precedent. How could you justify telling someone else no if they wanted vacation time in addition to a scheduled surgery for instance?
The one good thing about FMLA is that is limits the time off that an employer has to agree to. I would deny the vacation leave. Besides, what happens if she doesn't go into labor? Most doctors will induce, but not all do.
Good luck!