
how long must an employer accommodate an employee who is currently being treated for an anxiety disorder. she has missed quite a lot of work claiming they (docs) keep changing her meds which spaces her out until it gets in her system. she does like to take in on the weekends because she can't drink. then takes either late sunday or early monday then comes to work in a horrible state and has to leave or she calls in and says she work. sometimes, she says "her asthma is acting up". i have tried to be more than accommodaing, but really.....!!!!

am i going to have problems with other employees that want this type of treatment?

suggestions please!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hopefully, you have medical documentation for both disorders. Anxiety disorders are very difficult because even though the employee may have exhausted FMLA, they still may be covered by the ADA. You will have to enter into what is called the "interactive process" with the employee and her physician to ascertain if she can perform the essential functions of her position. Leave can be considered an accomodation if it is asked for.

    I had this issue with a nurse in one of our offices who was "over medicated" due to anxiety. Her physician kept stating that she could perform the essential functions of her position, but we finally had to make a determination that she was a potential danger to patients because of her impaired ability. She finally came to the same conclusion through our coversations. She applied for and accepted another job while she was "on leave" from us and she lasted 2 weeks at her new job.

  • How many employees do you have?

    As Rockie has suggested you want to focus on the applicable regulations: FMLA and/or ADA.

  • I'm stunned that this woman has let you know that she doesn't like to take her meds over the weekend because they keep her from being able to drink. If it turns that that the ADA is applicable, I would certainly tell her during the "interactive processs" that her doc will need to verify that it is part of the treatment plan for her to drink on the weekend and readjust to her meds during time she should be at work.
  • And if the doctor DOES verify this information, I will need his/her name or phone number for future reference!!!
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