No Carpal Comp 4 U 1 Yr
1,358 Posts
I'm told that one or more states do not even recognize carpal tunnel as a condition covered by workers comp. Do you live in one of those states?
Are you "piggy backing" off my screen name with title of your post? x:D
I will allow you to - since you make me laugh everyday with your comments.
Have a great day!
E Wart
So, I can say at this time and until the Legislature actually acts on it, Missouri does not officially recognize carpal tunnel syndrome as a compensable injury, even though in practice I've seen it covered/compensated.
Under the new regs, employers can shift the liability of new hires, who develop CTS within 3 months of hire, to the immediate prior employer if the new employer can "prove" the prior work was the prevailing causal factor.
I too wish I lived in one of those states! We have an ongoing case with an EE who had CT surgery end of last year and has had nothing but trouble, left with 2 numb fingers and now has to see a specialist. Can't wait to see what this is going to cost.
Have a Good One!
Also, if you'll notice, most of the CTS sufferers have less than perfect posture anyway... (including myself, and including factory line workers and mechanics, etc.)