We have an employee who has had the doctor complete paperwork for FMLA (by the way, you would think a doctors office would know how to fill out the certs, not!) anyway, she brought in a slip from the doctor that states only she is to be off for two days. Not reason. Should we consider that FMLA?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No. The paperwork must be reasonably complete in order for YOU to make the determine as to FMLA eligibility. The doctor only certifies that there is or is not a serious medical condition and checks the appropriate boxes. Then you make the determination. The clinic has not provided adequate information. I'd give the paperwork back to the employee or fax it back to the nurse.
  • I would call the doctor's office and determine first whether they did or did not attempt to fill in the paperwork as a certification. Given they did, but only gave it two days, that does not constitute a serious medical condition. Give her two days off and charge her with two sick days and go on about your business of taking care of all employees and company concerns.

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